The Cave and I
Plato’s allegory of the cave is a very interesting theory which I dearly agree with. Plato was a great Philosopher who lived many years ago, and his teachings live through many of us who exist today. Many will find Philosophy interesting if at some point in their lives they have question themselves things they clearly could not answer. Questions such as: Why are we here? Who created it us? Is there a God? What is the truth about religion? What is my purpose in life? Philosophy focuses on those complicated questions and as I like to say it frees your mind. The skills Philosophy develops are of a great thinker, a great writer, an outstanding debater and someone who is able to always think outside the box. Knowing that they are not limited to the options presented to them because they have it in their power to separate themselves from that situation and make their own independent choices.
All my life I have followed the teachings and morals that my family gave me and taught me. I was influence by what they taught me to believe and wanted me to be. Amongst those strong believes is the believe in a higher power, the believe in the existence of God. Since I was an infant I was taken to church because my family was very religious and called themselves true Christians. Growing up in this society, my families society, I develop the trust to think that a God really existed and for many years I wouldn’t let anyone tell me otherwise. I was what Socrates (another great Philosopher) would have called a sleepwalker. I was blind and would not let myself out of the cave and allow myself to see anything else.For me the only reality was Christianity. However, as Socrates once said “Living the unexamined life is not worth living”. One must examine other possibilities before taking a side and truly believing in it. Through Philosophy I truly discover myself, I found that there is a bigger reality than we can ever know. Philosophy made me reason and woke up my mind by making me aware that there is no actual prove that God exist. The priest will never be able to prove to the scientist that God exist, and the scientist will never be able to prove to the priest that God does not exist. All that exist is faith and reason, one is free to choose which one they want to live with , but keep in mind that is call faith for a reason. If you believe in something you have not seen then it is faith, I personally cannot believe in something I have not seen, therefore the believe in God has vanished. However, at the same time I have discover that in the end it will always come down to your point of view and what one believes to be right. There is no right or wrong, there's only what's right for us.
Though I say there is only what is right for us, I have my own reasons to say why God does not exist. Christianity claims of there to be one God. One God would mean is 'monotheism' but according through Christianity tradition they speak of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Isn't that three Gods which would make it polytheism. To me there seems to be a lot of contradiction going on in Christianity. The belief that God is omnipotent(all powerful) and he is also omniscient(all knowing) and perfectly good contradicts itself. If God is all powerful, then he cannot be good. Power means evil, people that want power are not very nice but rather have bad characteristics. Also if God is all knowing then doesn't that already defeat the purpose of praying? I mean for instance, God knows my grandmother is going to die, so me praying to him would not make a difference since he has already decided that my grandmother is going to really die. In addition, if God knows it all, then do we have free will? In a way if he exist then we are under a determine present and future. We cannot decide for ourselves because predetermine destiny will always govern our lives. God has decided our lives and destiny and we are his puppets. This idea does not satisfy me and I believe we have free will. Humans have created God in their own image and is the believe in God that keeps us from being truly good because we look at a higher power someone who is said to be perfect. It diminishes our abilities and skills, lowers our full potential.
Furthermore, Christianity also speaks of God being impassible meaning he is incapable of having emotional feelings. If he is impassible then why would he be personal, why would he care about us? seems he cannot, that is another contradiction. They say God created the world and he created everything, so if he created everything then he created evil, therefore God must also be evil. The whole idea about an existent God has these and many more contradictions that I have concluded that there is no God. If there is a God then it would only be what Philosopher Aristotle mention "the unmoved mover" saying that we cannot know who or what our God is, but that at some point something had to create us, however that something could be the big bang, perhaps matter energy we cannot know. Religion however is just human imagination.
The theory Aristotle place was good but I personally like the believe that we are all Gods and we have complete access to our lives and have free will. We are both the creators and creators of our world. We are the architects, we shape it, design it, and build it the way we want it. Every choice defines who we are, the future is in our mind, we are the result of everything we have thought. A man is but a product of his thoughts what he thinks he becomes.As Philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said were condemned to be free, our existence precedes our essence. As for being still in cave, I have came out of every cave I can think of and certainly do not plan on going back, because ignorance is not bliss that is bull-crap. I will continue living the examined life because is the life that is worth living.