Thursday, October 25, 2012

LIB200 Blog#5

Sustainability seems good on paper but applying it would not work accordingly in my opinion. I think I can support a sustainable food system but I'm just one person, we need a majority of people participating in it. It's because not everyone will comply and follow up, and so we can't rely on every individual to be part of it. Like I said, ideally it will be great but is just one of those theories that only look good on paper and are extremely difficult to do realistically. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

LIB200 Blog#4

Michael Pollan raises a very interesting issue when he says "we are processed corn walking". Reading The Omnivore's Dilemma has been a great eye opener, making me fully aware of what's really going on with the food I consume on a daily basis. While I am often very skeptical when reading books and too often don't believe things authors say, Michael Pollan made a lot of sense. It definitely was a shocking experience to find out that pretty much everything we eat is made of corn. An awful truth that will take time for me to embrace. Yet, as I always say, ignorance is not bliss for me, not for me! I appreciate knowing the real truth...   

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LIB200 Blog#3

A locovore is a person who eats food that is grown locally. I don't think we have many locovores in New York because is far more difficulty to produce localize food in NYC. Although there may be a few benders that can supply a select population of new yorkers, their resources are not sufficient enough to meet the needs of the vast majority. Therefore, I highly doubt I have been a locovore throughout my lifetime.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog#2 LIB200

         I know very little about organic foods, due to the fact that I never really care why people seem to have organic foods as a preference. I never had any organic foods of any type, as far as I'm concerned. However, my aunt and my cousin would always brag about how their fridge was filled with organic products as I was growing up. The very little I know about organic foods is that is supposed to very healthy and much better than the average foods we eat. Supposedly, organic foods don't have any chemicals and are made naturally. I however never believe anything anyone says unless I have known you for many years. Therefore, I do not think organic foods are any better than our daily average food because I cannot trust the people advertising it.
        I am very skeptical when it comes to this and do not trust anyone. I definitely will not spend more money on claimed products that are supposed to be better. What if they're not? What if it's all bullshit? What if it's just another way to make more money? As I mention in my previous blog, if I am not there physically everyday with the people producing my food, I cannot believe nor take their word for it, that these products are good. Unfortunately, I still have to eat. So either way I'm going to have to purchase something I don't trust, but at least I won't pay as much. I believe that everyone should think twice before spending money they don't have on foods that may not be healthy at all.